🚨Major Spoiler Alert🚨 Gloob has revealed a new episode trailer from Episode 16 “Hack-San.” Alya has been entrusted to use the Ladybug Miraculous while Marinette went on a vacation with her family. Synopsis: “Marinette (Ladybug) traveled with her family to London and left the miraculous ladybug in the care of Alya (Rena Rouge)! But no one expected the Shadow Moth to unleash a monster in Paris that works like a computer virus. With great powers comes great responsibilities, will Alya be able to help the city and Marinette? Will she turn into Ladybug?” — Translation: Alya: You can’t leave Paris. What are we gonna do if a villain shows up and while Ladybug is in London? Marinette: We’ll do this. Take it. — Gabriel: Hack-san acts like a computer virus. Perfect! — Markov: Aww, what a cute kitty! — Robustus: Human, I am Robostus. Give me what is most precious to you. Nathaniel: Marc? What is wrong with you?! — Shadowmoth: Ah, I feel humanity’s wrath is very alive in the circuits of this robot! — Marinette: Don’t look at it! Robostus: Humans! I am Robostus! Give me what’s precious to you! Tom and Sabine: Marinette, you are what’s precious to us. — Alya: Tikki, spots on!